Hello, I'm

Thanks for stopping by my site!

I am a Christian mom of 5 lovely adult daughters.  My husband Marlin and I have been married for 41 years, and we have 10 grandchildren. Life is good! God is good! My mission is to help people feel better.

My passion is being a teacher of nutrition. That serves me well as I now manage the front desk of my husband's busy chiropractic office.  In addition, I maintain a large garden, like to bake whole wheat bread, recently got into sourdough and fermenting kefir and kombucha -- but life gets busy and sometimes it doesn't all get done. My husband and I like to travel and see new places in the United States. 

My journey of knowledge started when we began raising our family of 5 daughters. In the early years I remember having questions about how to do it all, and sometimes had difficulty finding reliable answers.  That's why I am excited about this site and all the resources that I can make available to you -- from a wellness library to how to build your own home business

Thanks again for visiting my site and I hope I can help you create your ideal lifestyle of good health and personal freedom.

Sharon Braun